About the Journal

Focus and Scope

JPPUMA is a Journal of Governmental and Political Science Medan Area University for information and communication resources for academics, and observers of Governance Sciences, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Methodology of Social Sciences and Social Work. The published paper is the result of research, reflection, and actual critical study with respect to the themes of governmental, social, and political science. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. The scope of JPPUMA is the Science of Government, Social and Politics. Published twice a year (June and December) and first published for print edition in April 2013.

Peer Review Process

After submit inventions have made a preliminary review of the manuscript by the editor JPPUMA. Editor will decide whether the manuscript in accordance with the scope and focus and proper to give to the reviewer. Sometimes, editors may recommend revision before submitting for review. This initial review of activities usually takes a week.

Submissions that pass the initial review will be assigned to at least two reviewers (double-blind peer review). Based on the review editor will first make editorial decisions.

There are five possible editorial decisions (1) the manuscript is accepted, (2) be amended, (3) re-submit, (4) is sent to another publisher, or (5) is rejected.

Typically, the time frame of delivery to the first editor of the average results of 6-8 weeks.

The time to reach a final decision depends on the number of reviews rotation, perceptive writer etc. Typically, the time frame of delivery by an average of 4-5 months a final decision.

Publication Frequency

JPPUMA is published twice a year in June and December

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Universitas Medan Area

Sources of Support

We Thanks to Universitas Medan Area for the support

Journal History

1. JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governmental and Political UMA), publish by Universitas Medan Area and published 2 times on the month of June and December, which printed in print since Volume 1 No. 1 June 2013. (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governmental and Political UMA), diterbitkan oleh Universitas Medan Area dan terbit 2 kali dalam setahun di bulan Juni dan Desember, yang pada awalnya terbit dalam bentuk cetak sejak Volume 1 No 1 Juni 2013.)

2. Over time, with the introduction of OJS in early 2016, the JPPUMA website also addresses http://ojs.uma.ac.id/index.php/jppuma/index. After that is registered in addition to print issn with SK SK no. 0005.25491660 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2017.02 - February 2, 2017 (beginning of issue Vol 5, No. 1, June 2017). And e-issn SK no. 0005.25501305 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2017.03 - March 30, 2017 (beginning edition Vol.1, No.1, January-June 2017). (Seiring dengan waktu, dengan mulai dikenalkannya OJS di awal tahun 2016, maka JPPUMA juga mendapatkan alamat website http://ojs.uma.ac.id/index.php/jppuma/index. Setelah itu didaftarkanlah selain issn cetak dengan mendapatkan SK no. 0005.25491660/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.02 - 2 Februari 2017 (mulai edisi Vol. 5, No. 1, Juni 2017). Dan e-issn SK no. 0005.25501305/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.03 - 30 Maret 2017 (mulai edisi Vol.1, No.1, Januari-Juni 2017)).

3. JPPUMA keeps the print edition up to now, so it already has 5 volumes (8 numbers / issues) from 2013 to 2017. (JPPUMA tetap menjaga edisi cetak yang sampai sekarang, sehingga sudah mempunyai 5 volume (8 nomor/issue) sejak tahun 2013 hingga 2017).

4. In the early days of the OJS, the management also can not be adjusted to the correct OJS governance arrangements, due to the limited expertise capable of managing them, thus less than the maximum. In addition, it has not been perfected in accordance with the provisions of OJS governance, which is still quicksubmite. (Pada awal-awal diperkenalkannya OJS, pengelolaannya juga belum sepenuhnya bisa dijalankan sesuai dengan tata kelola pengaturan OJS yang benar, karena keterbatasan tenaga ahli yang mampu mengelolanya, sehingga kurang maksimal. Selain itu, belum sepenuhnya mengupload sesuai dengan ketentuan tata kelola OJS, yaitu masih quicksubmite)

5. Gradually by attending the OJS Governance training held by several other universities including by UMA itself, then since 2017, began the revamping of JPPUMA starting from the OJS display which gradually began to publish in accordance with OJS governance. The contents of the OJS template are also gradually and adapted to the writing guidelines, templates, rules and indexes to several international and national indices. (Secara bertahap dengan mengikuti pelatihan Tata Kelola OJS yang diselenggarakan oleh beberapa universitas lain termasuk oleh UMA sendiri, maka sejak tahun 2017, dimulailah pembenahan JPPUMA yang dimulai dari tampilan OJS yang secara bertahap mulai mengikuti publish sesuai dengan tata kelola OJS. Isian template OJS juga lambat laun dipenuhi dan dilengkapi dengan panduan penulisan, template, tata aturan dan indexing ke beberapa index internasional dan nasional).

6. In June 2017, JPPUMA delivered its indexing to DOAJ and on January 5, 2018, JPPUMA was already an International Index of DOAJ. Along with indexed into DOAJ, gradually increasing indexing of others, ie Google Scholar, Sinta (3), One Search Indonesia, ROAD, BASE, PKP Index, EuroPub, ISJD, Cat World, DRJI, Journal of TOCs, University of Saskatchewan Library Harvard and Stanford Library. (Bulan Juni 2017, JPPUMA didaftarkan indexing nya ke DOAJ dan pada Tanggal 5 Januari 2018, JPPUMA sudah mendapatkan index internasional yaitu DOAJ. Seiring dengan terindex ke DOAJ, secara bertahap semakin bertambah indexing yang lain., yaitu Google Scholar, Sinta (3), One Search Indonesia, ROAD, BASE, PKP Index, EuroPub, ISJD, World Cat, DRJI, Jurnal TOCs, University of Saskatchewan, Harvard Library dan Stanford Libraries).

7. The first problem for JPPUMA is the procedure of publishing the manuscript that is still not in accordance with the governance of OJS, since 2017 has started to be changed with the provisions in accordance with ARJUNA. The second problem that needs to be confirmed is the citation and the creation of a bibliography that must already have to use a reference application tool. And have started indexed in several indexes that match the direction of Ristekdikti. Along with SINTA 3, several manuscripts from outside UMA have already started to be submitted by the authors, meaning that JPPUMA can already be promoted to several institutions and has fulfilled the 70% requirement of the manuscript from outside the institution itself. (Permasalahan pertama bagi JPPUMA adalah tata cara publish naskah yang masih belum sesuai dengan tata kelola OJS, sejak tahun 2017 sudah mulai dirubah dengan mengikuti aturan yang sesuai dengan ARJUNA. Permasalah kedua yang perlu diselesaikan adalah pengutipan dan pembuatan daftar pustaka yang harus sudah harus menggunakan aplikasi tools reference. Dan sudah mulai terindex di beberapa index yang sesuai dengan arahan dari Ristekdikti. Seiring dengan mendapatkan SINTA 3, maka beberapa naskah dari luar UMA sudah mulai masuk dengan cara disubmite mandiri oleh para penulisnya, yang artinya, JPPUMA sudah bisa mulai dipromosikan ke beberapa Institusi dan sudah memenuhi ketentuan 70% naskah berasal dari luar institusi sendiri).